Celebrating 45 years of activity on UHF/SHF by OE8FNK
Q03 - The ÖVSV 3cm Transverter Projekt (10 GHz)
Q03 for Pluto adds 2x SMA male conn. for linear 3cm operation on 10GHz.
DATV Modules - How to win the IARU Region 1 ATV Contest
hydra2024 - A FM/CW Adalm-Pluto Clip-On for 3cm (10 GHz)
hydra2024 is discontinued (Aug. 2024). For Linear 3cm operation on PlutoSDR,
we use the Q03 transverter or "Styx-for-Pluto"
El Cuatro - A Simple Multiband UHF/SHF FM/CW Transceiver
(see also DUBUS 3/2018).
The El Cuatro Microwave QRP FM/CW Transceiver is no longer available.
But there are still requests for El Cuatro pending. If you have an
El Cuatro available for sale, I will buy it back. Please drop me an email.
Informations about El Cuatro are still here: El Cuatro Archive.
Service for existing El Cuatro transceivers continues, current
firmware includes important updates (just shipping costs).
Contact: via email: oe8fnk (at) uhf.at
Information about the EC24, a 24GHz FM/CW transceiver is archived
EC24 Archive.
The El Burrito 6cm Transceiver
(see also DUBUS 1/2023).
The El Burrito 6cm tranceiver project was abandoned in 2023, due to pin
changes in the next ESP32 version and lack of interest. Lots of work and
experiences with "receiving weak signal near cell towers" will go to other
future projects. The el_burrito archive is still here:
El Burrito Transceiver for 6cm (EB6)
For this page only 2 ethernet packets (2239 Bytes) were used.